We don't want anything to change in our insurance plans that don't change already.
- We like getting 6%+ annual increases in our premiums.
- We're fine with denied coverage due to preexisting conditions.
- It's OK to deny renewal because a family member was seriously ill the previous year.
- We enjoy having our claims denied and talking to representatives for months to no avail.
- Its fine to settle for another doctor because ours isn't on the list of participating physicians.
- And NO, we don't want mental and substance abuse care to be covered by our insurance. I don't want to pay for something I never plan on using!
I am not about to look at the legislation options put forth by the house and senate. Its over a 1000 double space pages; too long and too boring for me to read. I don't care that in the first 40 pages, the legislation stipulates:
- Guaranteed renewal
- No exclusion because of pre-existing conditions
- A competitive public insurance option offered by a cooperative of insurers
- Tax credits for businesses offering insurance to their employees
- Limiting the premium spread from highest to lowest to 2:1.
- Stop the practice of duplicate and defensive tests
- Standardize and automate claims processing and medical records management
- Include mental health and substance abuse care
- Provide fair competition
- Provide uniform arbitration
- Guarantee speedy processing and payment of claims
- Prevented the collapse of our financial institutions
- Saved America's automotive industry
- And helped stop Polio.
- socialized medicine
- death panels
- likening this legislation to a modern version of the Nazi's health care plan
- Obama's US citizenship
That's why I follow the town hall meeting sound bites, and look at those concerned citizens, shouting their disapproval and shouting down differing viewpoints. I know they're right because I looked into their eyes and got a sense of their sincerity. And I too, will not write my congressman or senator, because I don't know who they are.
But if I did, I'd go to a town hall meeting so I could express my love of our health care system. I'd give my representative, and anybody else who cares look at me, the look... of a deer in the headlights ;^)